2025 03 08
Https www alamy com a handbook for travellers in india burma and ceylon section and plan of tlie taj mahal gt tl to face p 172 route 13 the taj mahal 173 evening or night effects must takeprecautions against a possible chillin such damp surroundings the cerrtral marble platform onwhich the tomb stands is 22 fthigh and 313 ft sq at each corneris a minaret of white marble pickedout by black lines 137 ft high thetomb itself measures 186 ft on eachside the corners being bevelled offand recessed into a bay on eitherside of each angle corner is anothersmall bay and in the centre of eachside image340024204 html (Filtype jpg)
A Handbook For Travellers In India Burma And Ceylon Section And Plan Of Tlie Taj Mahal Gt Tl To Face P 172 Route 13 The Taj Mahal 173 Evening Or
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